. . . but wasn't.
Back on the road again after a five week stay in northern Georgia at Leisure Acres Campground in Cleveland, GA. Primarily here to take care of our 5 year-old grandson, Jace, two days a week when he isn't in pre-K / daycare. Our intentions were to see a whole bunch of our Georgia friends over those five weeks and catch up with their lives, do some kayaking, scout out potential alternate sites to stay, and generally kick back and do the whole RV lifestyle thing.
Yeah, well, plans change, don't they?
Good news: Jace is experiencing life with other kids (at least more than one or two at a time), and experiencing a group structure he never had while traveling with us for all those months earlier in the year.
Bad news: I think my grandson licks furniture while in day care.
Being relatively isolated in his first few years with few friends where he lived, and our lifestyle being as isolated as it can be, Jace never seemed to build up a natural immunity to the many germs and crud out there in the more open world. So when he began a three-day-a-week stint in pre-school, naturally he ended up getting sick more often. Unfortunately, it took him all of the end of our first week of taking care of him to expose US to whatever his classmates brought to school with them.
So the second Thursday of our five-week stay at Leisure Acres, Barbara and I began coughing. Two weeks later, Barbara was on the mend, and I had a borderline case of pneumonia. After seeing a doctor and getting a precautionary COVID test (negative), I was on antibiotics and 4 other prescriptions to handle all my symptoms. By the end of out 5th week here, I was finally back to energy levels needed to travel again, and sleeping through more than the occasional night.
Ahhh, the joys of grandparenthood. It's a good thing Jace is so stinkin' cute and fun to be around.
good news is that Jace is now in kindergarten full-time, and doesn't
need to be watched two days a week by us, and we're ready to go back on
the road until late September.
The bad news is that our five-week plans to see everybody got trashed early, and another opportunity to socialize has gone by the wayside. Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia await (unless a COVID outbreak changes our plans). We'll update you as we travel to new adventures.
The bad news is that our five-week plans to see everybody got trashed early, and another opportunity to socialize has gone by the wayside. Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia await (unless a COVID outbreak changes our plans). We'll update you as we travel to new adventures.
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