Saturday, February 3, 2024

Snow Removal In January - In Florida !?!?!?

Yeah, what's up with that?

Once a year, I'm guaranteed to have to do snow removal during our travels. Guaranteed. No matter where we are. This year, it was in Florida. Sunny, warm Florida, and I'm removing snow from our motor home.

But not to worry; the world hasn't turned upside down and the climate hasn't changed. But this is a very rare form of snow.

Tiffin Snow.

Tiffin Snow is generated by just one thing; a hard ride down bad roads. Our roof is assembled in the Tiffin manufacturing plant upside-down. The fiberglass top layer lies at the bottom on a large table, then the Styrofoam layer of insulation is added, wiring and lights and air ducts are put in place, then finally our padded ceiling is placed on top. The whole assembly is secured, flipped over and carefully lifted onto the completed exterior walls of the motor home as it works it's way down the assembly line. So with each hit of a bad pothole or poor bridge transition, Tiffin Snow is generated by little pieces of that Styrofoam insulation breaking free, getting caught in our air vent system, and finally being deposited in the little light disks covering our LED ceiling bulbs.

No, that's not a bad picture of a full moon. It's a light cover full of Tiffin Snow.

So every year, I have to unscrew over 30 glass disks that have a VERY tight seal, and dump my collection of Tiffin Snow. Otherwise, the collection gets large enough in some of the disks to block some serious light - especially if an errant bug managed to be attracted to the light and ends up getting trapped in one.

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

This is what it looks like when the cover is removed.

This year's haul of Tiffin Snow.

Snow removal in January - the Parental Parolees way! Now I can get back to relaxing in the resort's hot tub . . .

Winter 2024/2025 Update

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