Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Kicking back while we can

The nice thing about wintering anywhere is that you can choose your level of activity. For some, it's about being able to enjoy the outdoors with activities you couldn't do in the cold or snow of more northern climates. For others, it's a time to kick back and recharge the batteries in anticipation of more strenuous months ahead.

Or if you're like us, you can do a little bit of both.

That's what Florida has been for us in 2023. A few days of activities, interspersed with a few days of just goofing off and catching up on nap time. For Barbara, it's reacquainting herself with painting, something she did quite a bit before we met, and taught to kids after we got married. For me, it's catching up on some small but needed maintenance on the motor home.

And it's always a good time to meet new friends and visit with existing ones.

So that's why there hasn't been much in the way of blog posts since we got down here. It's really an idyllic life; day trips to places we want to visit, nice fellow RVers to meet, taking up or renewing a hobby, and seeing friends and family when we can.

And naps. Lots of naps for me and Grover. He and I share that passion.

For me, it's been a time to plan our year ahead, almost through September, which is kind of a departure for us. We started this lifestyle a bit more free-wheeling - not making too many reservations in advance, and calling ahead about an hour before I got tired of driving and finding a spot for the night on our way to a particular destination. Now, our travel schedule revolves around our grandson Jace's school vacation schedule. The kids these days get so many weeks off during the school year, that it's impossible for any parents to take off all the time needed to watch their kids during every vacation. So we've become his watchers, and we love it.

But it does demand that we park ourselves in North Georgia or somewhere nearby for about 6 individual weeks out of the year, and then plan some sort of summer vacation trip for Jace encompassing two months in June and July. We've been fortunate to finally be able to book places in advance, even those in the Northeast who want all their money up front. Followers of our travels will likely enjoy the trip we have planned for Jace's summer vacation.

We also have some definitely different and possibly exciting news about travel in October and November of this year. Stay tuned!

So that's been Florida thus far. We've got another month here in Chiefland, then it's back to Georgia and Alabama for the Spring. Corps of Engineer parks and a trip to Red Bay for semi-annual chassis maintenance and an Over The Air (OTA) antenna upgrade before our summer trip with Jace awaits.

Winter 2024/2025 Update

Well, winter has been upon us for a couple of months, and it's created some “challenges” to the Parental Parolee family – as expected gi...